And up on the docket today – The Nuphy Air75

For number 3 we’re rounding off with a keyboard, it’s the newest in my stack, and I’ll openly say I think I’m in love. I don’t say that lightly, even, because I’ll say I’m persnickety about it. I can’t even really help it, I have adored mechanical keyboards for a bit now, from the audio while typing, the feel of typing on them, to even my accuracy going up because I can feel the actuation and when I’m not bottoming out, cause I got upset at work or something, or because I was typing a whole novel as a response to someone in a chat and can know when I’ve gotten the key to register input vs a mesh keyboard I’ve used where my experience has been less than great. They sound bad, they feel like typing on a sponge, and because manufacturing tolerances aren’t all up to snuff, sometimes they just don’t pick up keystrokes that don’t bottom out. That all being said, let’s circle back to the subject of the hour, my review of the Nuphy Air75 wireless mechanical keyboard.

This one is a little sad, it came fully charged out of the box, and I used it maybe 15 total hours, and it was nearly dead by the time the end of the 2nd day of use. Which is annoying to say the least, I have the MX keys (which I’ll do a review of later) and that one can be used for hours and hours and hours, and I’ve never experienced a problem, that being said it being able to function wired as well is a boon when having to charge. This gets a 3.25 more or less, I wish It could be better, but I could definitely see it being worse.

Moving on to connectivity, this actually beats my previous wireless, you have 4 connectivity modes, 3 Bluetooth and 1 dongle, wherein you have to sacrifice it for some (lookin at you Logitech) when it comes to your 3 Bluetooth options there’s a dedicated connection for it. As well as a wired when you need to charge the versatility outclasses so much what I already had, which is why this gets a score of .25 I don’t see many downsides and what is there is so minimal I can’t really quantify it.

Now for a keyboard, obviously with a mechanical, you gotta talk about the sound and feel. Each one will get a score in this one section, and I’ll average them at the end, last review had something similar, but I didn’t average them. I did say this would evolve as I went, and I meant it. I may go back and re-write this if there’s any traffic, and I feel it’s worth it to do a remake of the original review to match the new style I’m using now. To start, sound quality, (which this post will get an update when I get some recordings of the typing sorted.) is amazing. There’s a solid “thocc” when you hit the keyboard, regardless of if you’re holding it on your lap, got it on a desk, or wherever, the sound when you hit a key is something I wasn’t expecting. I have mine with red switches, you can order with blues, reds, or browns. I liked the reds the most. For me, I’m giving the typing a .25 as well, it’s not pingy like the blues are it’s not as quiet as the browns were which while they felt good (they sent some sample switches in the box) just don’t sound as good
As far as the typing feel goes, I love this the red keys actuate with minimal force and I even see myself having to adapt because I’ll start to press, and change my mind or a finger is just infinitesimally slower, and I hit a key I didn’t mean to, or I hit a key too fast (Let me tell you the typos in this alone were excruciating) typing feel gets a .25 as well I love the ease of typing, I love the comfort really of the keys they don’t feel like cheap plastic, and they’re thin so bottoming out doesn’t feel like an impact through the whole key where the bottom edge of the cap itself, hits the floor which when you’re typing for extended periods is gonna eventually wear on your fingers.

The next thing we have to talk about, which I somewhat touched on earlier, is the build quality. Overall this is well-built, the top of the chassis is likely aluminum, and the bottom is a translucent plastic, it’s solid and feels weighty in the hands without being too heavy, almost like the weight is in the right places so that as you’re holding it, it doesn’t feel heavy, but it feels right. Nuphy advertises it as the world’s thinnest mechanical keyboard, and while that may or may not be true, it’s still excessively thin for all that connectivity. At 75% there’s obviously no ten key. The key spacing is comfortable, if a bit cramped, but for someone like me who types by memory, not really liking to stretch their fingers to find a key, it’s surprisingly if not blessedly nice for busy days of typing documents, notes, and questions at work to people. This lands it solidly at 1 there are minor gripes, but they work themselves out, and really they’re just that, gripes.

This is probably the last bit I’m going to leave a comment on how much grouch it produces. That’ll be the contents of the box. Normally, this might get a footnote, but here it’s significant enough to earn a rating. That’s because in many a keyboard wired, wireless, or in this case both, “what’s in the box?” isn’t an insignificant question. My GMMK keyboard, which’ll get a later review, came with a full keyboard’s worth of caps and extra switches for the assembly process. This didn’t have quite as much as that, but there wasn’t any assembly required.
So, to start it came with optional keys for the windows or mac modes/button options, a key cap puller, 3 test switches that I mentioned earlier, a set of stickers, a poster on the back of the instruction pamphlet. The box itself is even nice enough to be a display piece, so I’m keeping it.

Now for the honorable mentions section. I bought a case for it, which doubles as a stand for a tablet and/or phone, which is honestly just tops for me. I love it. If I’m being honest, I’m even using it as a mouse pad for the MX 3 with my crazy desk setup I’ve currently got. I will also say that Nuphy has a beta version of a software like Logitech options for this keyboard, and my only gripe with it is that it doesn’t like it if it’s connected by the dongle. I wish the software recognized it.

That gives us a running score of 4.75 out of possibly 25. This is one of my favorite keyboards to have ever used, and definitely my favorite to own.
I also won’t be color coding the sections based on the score for this one and it’ll be something I’m going to review later if I want to do again.

Been in tech for 7 years in the support function. While in that career, I've developed a reputation for being a bit of a grouch, though quoted as "the grouchiest helpful person you'll ever meet" I hope to make informative, sometimes comical articles that outline my experiences with hardware and software and help anyone looking to buy products of a similar nature make informed decisions.

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